Exciting News!
We've migrated to a new wholesale portal. Logging in and placing orders is now easier than ever! Don't worry...we've saved all of your account information and order history. Follow these simple steps to access the new wholesale/B2B portal today:
1. Click
2. Enter the email currently associated with your wholesale account.
3. Surprise! You will no longer need to remember a password to access your account. Simply enter the 6-digit code sent to your email, and you're in!
4. After you successfully login, click the "Go To Store" button to browse the site and start your order.
Perks of our new portal:
-You will no longer need to remember a password to login to your account.
-You can add multiple store locations to one wholesale account.
-You now have the ability to assign PO numbers at checkout.
-With your permission at checkout, we now have the ability to keep your card on file.